Should I seal my pottery and statuary?
Sealing is optional and based on preference. Are you anticipating an aged look? Maybe some color or moss in the crevasses? Then the answer is No, at least not right now. Some folks might wait a couple of years before sealing to trap that aged look, especially if you're anticipating some color in the small cracks and crevasses. However, if you do seal your statue or birdbath, you are adding a significant number of years to the life of the piece. If you like that clean, new look, then sealing is a great idea.
By sealing your statue, you will prevent anything (like moss) from sticking to the surface. The sealer works to keep moisture from penetrating the concrete (like Rain-X on a windshield), which will protect against damages from freezing. Without the sealer, the freeze/thaw, freeze/thaw cycle throught out the winter will wear off the skin on the concrete.
This sealer will not leave a glossy finish behind your statue will remain clean and dry looking. However, it's essential to apply the sealer while still having skin left on the concrete. Once that skin has eroded, the sealer won't work. If you're unsure if the skin is still there, touch the concrete's surface and rub it with your fingers. Do the tips of your fingers feel gritty from small pieces of sand? If so, then it may be too late.
Also, once sealed, the piece will be unpaintable.
We're happy to help, so let us know if you need assistance or have any questions. Timber Pro UV's Top Seal is Non-Toxic, Safe for Birds, won't change your finish, and is very easy to apply.
Questions? Please let us know.